Friday, March 23, 2012

The Japanesse Killing of Dolpins

In the article i found online I had found interesting information that i hadnt yet discovered about the Japanesse killing of dolphines.
#1: I think one of the most difficult things one can do is to understand someone else's world-view, especially when there are so few common denominators.  And so I'm wondering why the Taiji fishermen who live in a town that appears to have an almost whimsical view of marine mammals can kill them in ways that appear to be objectively cruel.  - Thats my 1st question why the Taiji fishermen who live in a town that appears to have almost whimsical view of marine mammals can kill them in ways that appear to be objectively cruel.

#2:I'll probably never understand their perspective, and vice versa.  As an observer, though, I think it's important to keep cultural differences in perspective.  I could argue that the fishermen are unconscionably cruel, but I won't.  If I did, they'd certainly reply that Westerners who raise hundreds of millions of intelligent animals like pigs in horrific factory farms then kill them in secret facilities are in no position to lecture them on humane treatment of animals and transparency. - My 2nd question is that the Japanesse might kill dolphins but we Americans also kill chicken, fish, and all sorts of things. What im saying is why are we ( Americans) upset about them killing solphins when we kill chicken, fish, cow and other animals for a source of food everyday?

There is, however, one significant difference that transcends cultural differences.  The dolphin meat the Taiji fishermen sell to their fellow citizens contains alarmingly high levels of mercury.  Knowingly poisoning their fellow citizen is unconscionable, especially in a country where the dangers of mercury poisoning are almost universally recognized. - This part  kinda answers my question to #2 but it also starts another question that i would like to explore more about. If dolphin meat contains high level of mercury in it why would the fishermen want to sell it to their fellow citizens knowing that it could posion them. This question also makes me want to explore what is it like to get mercury posioning.

4- some interesting thing i have already learned about this topic so far is that, Taiji is known for mercury posioning their town. I already knwo that the Japanesse have killed whale meat before and i would like to explore why they killed whales also. They also kept this a secert, they didnt let anyone watch the dolphin killings yet the government knew it was happening.

5- The japanesses argument was that it was their cluture to kill these dolphins and that the Americans can't really do anything about that cause we cant take their culture away from them.

6- Our next argument about these killings was that the mercury posioning inside it. Mercury posioning can ruin your life and it is very bad for you if you may get it.

7- Right now, every year ( i forget which date it is on) thosands or maybe millions of dolphins get killed each year. And i have noticed online that their are support groups to stop it.

8- In the article, I read this --  The public is told that whale and dolphin populations are healthy and that harvests are conducted “scientifically.”  It is nonsense, but unless you live outside of Japan where you can learn the truth, you are stuck with a false sense of reality.-- this kinda tells me something about whales that will help me on my project.

9- I think that the Japanesse also harvest whales for selling in stores or eating. I would like to find out if whale meat is also high in mercury as well as dolphin meat.

10- I know that the Japanesse people needed to know the truth about these killings and when eating a dolphin how it can really hurt you. In the article-- It is up to us to tell the Japanese people the truth.  Many of them are truly afraid of their government and certainly do not realize the squalor and the brutality of marine mammal hunts-- talks about people needing to know the truth and in the movie the Cove they do just that.


  1. You should watch Whale Wars. It has great information about your topic.

  2. I never knew that mercury is in dolphins. That's pretty cool and dangerous. You also mentioned that thousands or maybe millions of dolphins are killed each year, I never knew that. Also you should watch whale wars :D.
