Monday, April 9, 2012

How Genes Are Passed On?

In this book,Genetics,Richard Beatty explains What genes are and How Genes are passed on.One fact that supports this main idea is A basic feature of all life is that cells divide to make more cells.Another  fact that supports this main idea is A single cell divides to form two offspring cells. This is how single-celled life forms such as bactria reproduce. Finally, the author gives an example that It is also how larger, more complicated life forms such as ourselves grow & develope to support the main idea. This ideas are similar to the main idea of how genes are passed on because they all are refferences of how they are passed on to there offsprings & also how we ourselves grow & develope.

  • Cells divide
  • The chromosomes spread apart to create another unique cell
  • The parents have 48 chromosome but they give away 24 each to create there offsprings talents etc.
  • Cells divide to make more cells

1 comment:

  1. Interesting research on genetics...would like to see more information.
