Thursday, May 24, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012

Final Product

Final Product

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Blog Post #7 Global Warming


Sources: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. (accessed December 22, 2009).
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. "Carbon Dioxide: Greenhouse Gas Emissions." (accessed December 22, 2009).

  • Earth's climate has changed dramatically many times in the past and will almost certainly change many times in the future, over geological time
  • Earth's climate is still changing. A large body of research shows that Earth is gradually warming. Although regions vary, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), between 1905 and 2005 the overall average global surface temperature on Earth increased by approximately 0.74°C (1.33°F).
  • The vast majority of researchers are convinced the data show unequivocally that global warming is directly related to the increase in greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide.
  • The plants warm the air, but the warm air cannot escape, so the temperature in the greenhouse rises.
  •  As the surface warms, it also emits infrared radiation. However, since the temperature of Earth is much lower than the temperature of the surface of the sun, the infrared radiation emitted by the ground, building, rocks, and plants has a much longer wavelength.
  • The natural greenhouse effect is a good thing. If it were not for the greenhouse effect, Earth's average surface temperature would be well below the freezing point of water and life could not exist.
  •  Recent rapidly rising temperatures on Earth are due to increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These gases have added to the natural greenhouse effect, destabilizing Earth's climate.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Blog Post 7

This website is valid because of the numerous different links to information all over. It also was updated
not too long ago and is very accurate.

-It lists 5 of the worst pandemics in history.

1. The Peloponnesian War Pestilence
2. The Antoine Plauge (small pox)
3. The Plauge of Justinian
4. The Black Death (Bubonic Plauge)
5. The Spanish Flu (Modern Day)

I can use these different pandemics as comparisons between eachother.


I emailed my uncle, since he knows a lot about history.

  • One husband can have more then one wife.
  • They we're woried about the world having to end.
  • They feared nature.
  • Jewlery was only owned by upperclassman.

Global Warming Interview

PART A-I interviewed Mr. McCloud, an earth science teacher at Hinsdale Central. He knows a lot about the planet earth because he has studied it for many years. He is a reliable source because if he didn'tknow a lot about his topic i'm pretty sure he wouldn't have been hired as a teacher for our school.
I interviewed Mr. McCloud last Tuesday morining in his classroom. I asked him a series of questionsthat i had already written out prior to the meeting.

PART B- the Questions and Answers from the interview(in bullet point form)....

Q: What are your thoughts on global warming?
A: -It is happening -CO2 levels have dramatically risen -We don't know all of the potential problems and we don't know if we can ever stop it.
-Only a few degreescan make a big deal -Things will have to migrate north..can they?
--We don't now all the potential problems and we don't know if we can stop it

Q: Do you think this is a natural occurance or because of humans?
A: -Humans! -Records all coming from the past say that CO2 levels were never this high.
 -interglacial period -Must faster__shouldn't be

Q: What changes could people make each day to make a difference?
A: -Reduce carbon footprint -Planning -Reduce the time you use electricity -Illinois is nucleaer powered, burn less coal_less fossil fuels being used up -There are many simple things you can do

Q: Do you think we can prevent the extinction of some of the animals currently at risk? For example, Polar Bears?
A: -Due to habitat loss_humans expanding_warming oceans -Balance needs of humanity v.s. wildlife warming ocean-->destroy coral reef -Preserve sea ice -Polar Bear hope its possible but it might not be, it could be a misconseption possibly.

documentary on the Taiji killings of dolphins

- title of documentary: The Cove
-Author: Mark Monroe
- people suspect that in the Taiji cove there are illegal dolphin slaughters and they decide to go there to figure if it is true or not
- its hard to get a good glimpse inside the cove because the workers that work there dont let anyone take any pictures/videos/exc
-they also wont let anyone inside they cove only outside it and they have gates to keep people outside of the cove
- the group of people decide to put in cameras in the cove at night underwater and above ground to see the dolphin killings happening, by doing so they might be getting followed
- they get the cameras in and they are being followed so they have to make their escape
- they make their escape and watch the video and its worse than what they exopected
- they show the video to the public exc. and they made the dolphin killings go down from every day to once a year
- thats not enough they want to make the dolphin killings stop but the Japanesse thinks its unfair because Americans kill animals too just like what we do with cows
- they find a lot of mercury in the dolphin and it is posioning the people in Taiji and Japan and Dolphin meat doesnt even get sold as much as other meat is but they keep making it
    In this documentary Mark Monroe argues that the dolphins should not be killed and they should stop selling their meat because, the dolphins are high in mercury and that it posions people around the country and its endangering the dolphins. Finally the author argues that since we Americans do it to cows/pigs/other animals that its fine because they arent posioning people in our country but dolphins are and theres no reason to sell something on the market that will make people in your country die.These ideas are similar my english teacher not letting my class go on the feild trip to the shakespear theater because all the other classes are going but we arent because he decided to let the seinors have a feild trip instead of the freshmen.