Thursday, May 3, 2012

Global Warming Interview

PART A-I interviewed Mr. McCloud, an earth science teacher at Hinsdale Central. He knows a lot about the planet earth because he has studied it for many years. He is a reliable source because if he didn'tknow a lot about his topic i'm pretty sure he wouldn't have been hired as a teacher for our school.
I interviewed Mr. McCloud last Tuesday morining in his classroom. I asked him a series of questionsthat i had already written out prior to the meeting.

PART B- the Questions and Answers from the interview(in bullet point form)....

Q: What are your thoughts on global warming?
A: -It is happening -CO2 levels have dramatically risen -We don't know all of the potential problems and we don't know if we can ever stop it.
-Only a few degreescan make a big deal -Things will have to migrate north..can they?
--We don't now all the potential problems and we don't know if we can stop it

Q: Do you think this is a natural occurance or because of humans?
A: -Humans! -Records all coming from the past say that CO2 levels were never this high.
 -interglacial period -Must faster__shouldn't be

Q: What changes could people make each day to make a difference?
A: -Reduce carbon footprint -Planning -Reduce the time you use electricity -Illinois is nucleaer powered, burn less coal_less fossil fuels being used up -There are many simple things you can do

Q: Do you think we can prevent the extinction of some of the animals currently at risk? For example, Polar Bears?
A: -Due to habitat loss_humans expanding_warming oceans -Balance needs of humanity v.s. wildlife warming ocean-->destroy coral reef -Preserve sea ice -Polar Bear hope its possible but it might not be, it could be a misconseption possibly.

1 comment:

  1. This looks legit, I agree on the fact that the rate of global warming is dangerous.
