Monday, February 27, 2012

Global Warming Leading To Animal Extinction

  • Tropical species are affected more by the narrow temperature range of their typically warm climate
  • Tropical rain forests contain most species of animals and plants needed to sustain the world's population, but global warming has already upset the natural biodiversity of the ecosystem
  • As populations grow around the world, so does consumption. In the densest areas of the world, the elimination of animals that feed on disease vectors, such as mosquitoes and flies, adds to our growing human health problem.
  • Global warming is predicted to threaten a large number of our plants and animals with extinction
  • One example of an animal shifting its habitat because of climate change is the Edith's checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha wrighti). Found in California's Sierra Nevada mountain range, the butterfly during the past 25 years has moved from lower to higher elevations, and from southern locations to northern ones.
  • There are about 925 of the bears in the province, but the population is estimated to have declined by 22 per cent from 1989 to 2004.
  • The main problem facing the bears is that the sea ice on which they hunt seals is melting, cutting the amount of available food. The spring breakup has been occurring earlier in recent years, resulting in a longer ice-free period on Hudson Bay, and increasing the amount of time during which they must depend on body fat gained through winter foraging.

1.) What are the top species that arte being effected by global warming the most?
2.) What places are the animals migrating to to avoid extinction
3.) What factors in  the way us people live lead to global warming getting this bad?