Thursday, February 16, 2012


Horses around the World A-Z

A list of horses that we will be looking at in order to answer the main question.  How do horses in different parts of the world differ in cost, breed, dicipline and popularity?

  1. Arabian
  2. Belgium Warmblood
  3. Canadian Horse
  4. Dutch Warmblood
  5. East Bulgarian
  6. Friesian Horse
  7. Gypsy Cob
  8. Hackney Horse
  9. Irish Draft
  10. Jutland
  11. Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse
  12. Lipizzaner
  13. Morgan
  14. Newfoundland Pony
  15. Oldenburg
  16. Paso Fino
  17. Quarter Horse
  18. Russian Trotter
  19. Saddlebred
  20. Tennessee Walking Horse
  21. Unmol Horse
  22. Vladimir Heavy Draft
  23. Welsh Pony
  24. Xilingol horse
  25. Yonaguni
  26. Zweibrücker
 These are the 26 different breeds of horses that we will be covering.  

Today we start with my all time favorite, the horse that I own and show, the almighty
The god of all horses.  The best looking horse anyone could ask for.  

So to get going with the Arabian Horse, I have many connections in the Arabian horse industry.  Often showing around the country, my family and I have made many friends.  The summer of 2010, my family went on vacation on Albuquerque, New Mexico so I could participate in a National Horse show.  It had to have been the last days of competition.  My dad got invited into one of our neighbor barn's trailers.  Now when you think of a horse trailer, you think of some two -horse piece of junk.  We however, think of the most magnificent device to carry livestock ever possible.  Automatic water, heated floors, and even the trailer itself being completely covered in huge photos of people winning. (on the outside)  My father got to go into one of these pieces of art.  He later found out that the man who was showing him the trailer's brother was one of the most hated people in the Arabian Horse industry.  
Today, I found an article on this man.  Here are some key factors to the big "no-no's" in the Arabian Horse industry.  
"He": David Boggs
-He cosmetically altered a horse for a showman ship class. 
-He took out muscles in the tail of Ace of Bey, to make her tail look better. 
Hafati Elegance (another show name for the horse)  was alleged to have had the fat sucked out of her too-round croup.
- David argued that he did "horse liposuction" on the animal, because the fat was supposedly, cancer like deposits, not fat. 
- At the end of the investigation, Boggs had cosmetically altered 12 horses. 
- The investigation is a big and controversial one in the Arabian industry
- Bogg's judges card and showing licence had been expelled. 
COST: $500-250,000
DICIPLINE: Hunter, Saddle Seat, Western, Endurance, Trail,  Arabian Racing.