Thursday, May 24, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012

Final Product

Final Product

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Blog Post #7 Global Warming


Sources: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. (accessed December 22, 2009).
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. "Carbon Dioxide: Greenhouse Gas Emissions." (accessed December 22, 2009).

  • Earth's climate has changed dramatically many times in the past and will almost certainly change many times in the future, over geological time
  • Earth's climate is still changing. A large body of research shows that Earth is gradually warming. Although regions vary, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), between 1905 and 2005 the overall average global surface temperature on Earth increased by approximately 0.74°C (1.33°F).
  • The vast majority of researchers are convinced the data show unequivocally that global warming is directly related to the increase in greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide.
  • The plants warm the air, but the warm air cannot escape, so the temperature in the greenhouse rises.
  •  As the surface warms, it also emits infrared radiation. However, since the temperature of Earth is much lower than the temperature of the surface of the sun, the infrared radiation emitted by the ground, building, rocks, and plants has a much longer wavelength.
  • The natural greenhouse effect is a good thing. If it were not for the greenhouse effect, Earth's average surface temperature would be well below the freezing point of water and life could not exist.
  •  Recent rapidly rising temperatures on Earth are due to increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These gases have added to the natural greenhouse effect, destabilizing Earth's climate.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Blog Post 7

This website is valid because of the numerous different links to information all over. It also was updated
not too long ago and is very accurate.

-It lists 5 of the worst pandemics in history.

1. The Peloponnesian War Pestilence
2. The Antoine Plauge (small pox)
3. The Plauge of Justinian
4. The Black Death (Bubonic Plauge)
5. The Spanish Flu (Modern Day)

I can use these different pandemics as comparisons between eachother.


I emailed my uncle, since he knows a lot about history.

  • One husband can have more then one wife.
  • They we're woried about the world having to end.
  • They feared nature.
  • Jewlery was only owned by upperclassman.

Global Warming Interview

PART A-I interviewed Mr. McCloud, an earth science teacher at Hinsdale Central. He knows a lot about the planet earth because he has studied it for many years. He is a reliable source because if he didn'tknow a lot about his topic i'm pretty sure he wouldn't have been hired as a teacher for our school.
I interviewed Mr. McCloud last Tuesday morining in his classroom. I asked him a series of questionsthat i had already written out prior to the meeting.

PART B- the Questions and Answers from the interview(in bullet point form)....

Q: What are your thoughts on global warming?
A: -It is happening -CO2 levels have dramatically risen -We don't know all of the potential problems and we don't know if we can ever stop it.
-Only a few degreescan make a big deal -Things will have to migrate north..can they?
--We don't now all the potential problems and we don't know if we can stop it

Q: Do you think this is a natural occurance or because of humans?
A: -Humans! -Records all coming from the past say that CO2 levels were never this high.
 -interglacial period -Must faster__shouldn't be

Q: What changes could people make each day to make a difference?
A: -Reduce carbon footprint -Planning -Reduce the time you use electricity -Illinois is nucleaer powered, burn less coal_less fossil fuels being used up -There are many simple things you can do

Q: Do you think we can prevent the extinction of some of the animals currently at risk? For example, Polar Bears?
A: -Due to habitat loss_humans expanding_warming oceans -Balance needs of humanity v.s. wildlife warming ocean-->destroy coral reef -Preserve sea ice -Polar Bear hope its possible but it might not be, it could be a misconseption possibly.

documentary on the Taiji killings of dolphins

- title of documentary: The Cove
-Author: Mark Monroe
- people suspect that in the Taiji cove there are illegal dolphin slaughters and they decide to go there to figure if it is true or not
- its hard to get a good glimpse inside the cove because the workers that work there dont let anyone take any pictures/videos/exc
-they also wont let anyone inside they cove only outside it and they have gates to keep people outside of the cove
- the group of people decide to put in cameras in the cove at night underwater and above ground to see the dolphin killings happening, by doing so they might be getting followed
- they get the cameras in and they are being followed so they have to make their escape
- they make their escape and watch the video and its worse than what they exopected
- they show the video to the public exc. and they made the dolphin killings go down from every day to once a year
- thats not enough they want to make the dolphin killings stop but the Japanesse thinks its unfair because Americans kill animals too just like what we do with cows
- they find a lot of mercury in the dolphin and it is posioning the people in Taiji and Japan and Dolphin meat doesnt even get sold as much as other meat is but they keep making it
    In this documentary Mark Monroe argues that the dolphins should not be killed and they should stop selling their meat because, the dolphins are high in mercury and that it posions people around the country and its endangering the dolphins. Finally the author argues that since we Americans do it to cows/pigs/other animals that its fine because they arent posioning people in our country but dolphins are and theres no reason to sell something on the market that will make people in your country die.These ideas are similar my english teacher not letting my class go on the feild trip to the shakespear theater because all the other classes are going but we arent because he decided to let the seinors have a feild trip instead of the freshmen.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


1. I interviewed Dr.Puche She studies Biological Sciences & She currently works at  University of Illinois at Chicago as a Adjunct Assistant Professor
2.    Dr.Puche is a reliable because she studies biological sciences & she would know about genetics because she studies things like this for a living.
3.      I called Dr.Puche & i interveiwed her on 
  • What roles does Dna play?
  • What roles does Genes play?
  • How doe you get skin cancer?
  • How can you prevent skin cancer?

Part A
1. I emailed my cousin (Alex) to find out information about the Mayans and Aztecs.
Back in his highschool he toke a class on the Mayans and Aztecs. His job is an
2. He is a reliable source because he studied the Mayans and Aztecs.
3. I emailed him to get information on the Mayans and Aztecs, I emailed him 4/26/2012

Part B
  • I asked him background knowledge on them.
  • I asked what their culture was like.
  • I asked what kind of religions did they have.

Blog Post #7

Title: Natural Australia (website)

Author: Curtis Falls

This website is reliable because it was updated in 2012, and there are many corporate links associated with the website.

1. 2012
2. Curtis Falls, and Tourism Queensland
3. It conects to other websites to show proof and expand more on the information they use

#6 -importing interview

My Interview
1.  I interviewed my trainer for hunter jumper, equitation, and jumper riding.  She teaches at my AA circut barn 5 days a week.  She has done it since she was 18 years old and knows everything there is to know about horses.
2.  She has been around horses since she was younger then 18 and has los of experience when it comes to teaching.
3.  I interviewed her through text on April 12, 2012.
1.  How do you find the horses from Europe?
Answer: We have a contact that arranges for us to go visit a number of different farms so we can see their sale horses
2.  How do you find the right one?
Answwer:  We determine which horse to buy, by the ability of the horse, ability of the rider, size of the horse, its bloodlines, experience of the horse, and your price range.
3. How many do you usually try when you go to Europe?
Answer: Ususally we try around 40 horses minimum per trip and narrow it down to the top 3.  We then go to ride the horses again and decide which one to have the vet do an exam on the begin the importing process.
3.  How much does it cost to fly them here?
Answer: For a gelding it costs $5,000, for a mare it is $7,000, and for a stallion it costs $10,000.
4.  How long do they stay in quarentine?
Answer: The quarentine station that we use is in New York.  The geldings are only required to stay for 3 days.  The mares and stallion have to stay for a week.

Horse Classification

There are more horse breeds than we can count, but there are only three classifications that horses fall into: cold blood, warm blood, and hot blood.  The differences in the horses in each classification are as follows:
1.       Cold Blood: Horses that are classified as cold bloods are a big muscular draft horses that are born and bred as work horses to pull heavy loads or plow fields.  An example would be the Clydesdale.
2.       Hot Blood: Horses that are classified as hot blooded are born and bred for speed. There are only five breeds of horses that are classified as “hot blooded.” They are as follows: (1) the Akhal-Teke; (2) the Barb; (30 the Turkoman (now extinct); (4) the Arabian; and (5) the Thoroughbred.  Hot bloods are highly intelligent horses.  They learn quickly and they are naturally athletic and versatile.  You are probably most familiar with the hot blood Arabian horse and the hot blood Thoroughbred horse.
3.       Warm Blood: Originally the term “warm blood horse” meant that the horse was a cross between a cold blood (draft) horse and a hot blood (one of five breeds) horse.  Accordingly, the warm blood breeds got started when European carriage and war horses were crossed with Arabian of Thoroughbreds.  The result was a tall riding horse that had more refinement that a draft horse, but was larger, more durable and had a more easy-going temperament than a hot blood.  Today, there are actually tow different meanings of “warm blood horse.” The first meaning refers to a specific subset of horse breeds, the second meaning refers to horses that have a moderate temperament.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

the killings of dolphins in japan

In this movie, Richard O' Barry explains that the Japanesse in Taiji have constructed a secert cove to murder dolphins and sell them for meat. Normally you would think that this isint a big deal because we do the same thing with fish and cows and other animals. But dolphins have been becoming endangered because of the killings and scientist have found larg amounts of mercury in the dolphin meat, which is a problem because mercury can make you have a deasiese where you lose your eye sight and hearing. Another problem is that the people killing the dolphins say that its their culture and that they cant stop the killings. This relates to what we are currently learning in world clutures today, about the Huarani people and how the Ecuadorians wanna drill for oil in their rainforrest and the Haurani people dont wont them there and dont want the missionaires there ethier. But the reason why the missionaires are there is because they need to teach the Haurani to be clivilized people. You see, the Haurani people barely wear any clothes and they are still living in the Stone Age, and the missionaires are there to help them be civilized. The haurani have a right to say no because its their culture and not someone else, just like how its the Japanesses culutre and not the Americans.

Monday, April 9, 2012

How Genes Are Passed On?

In this book,Genetics,Richard Beatty explains What genes are and How Genes are passed on.One fact that supports this main idea is A basic feature of all life is that cells divide to make more cells.Another  fact that supports this main idea is A single cell divides to form two offspring cells. This is how single-celled life forms such as bactria reproduce. Finally, the author gives an example that It is also how larger, more complicated life forms such as ourselves grow & develope to support the main idea. This ideas are similar to the main idea of how genes are passed on because they all are refferences of how they are passed on to there offsprings & also how we ourselves grow & develope.

  • Cells divide
  • The chromosomes spread apart to create another unique cell
  • The parents have 48 chromosome but they give away 24 each to create there offsprings talents etc.
  • Cells divide to make more cells

Monday, April 2, 2012

Global Warming-book

    -book not divided by chapters, it is divided by sections & i read 4 sections.
    In this book, Al Gore explains that global warming is a serious issue and that there are many things humans need to do to put an end to it.
    One fact that supports this main idea is that the thin layer of atmosphere is being thickened by huge quantities of human-caused carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. And as it thickens, it traps a lot of infrared radiation that would otherwise escape the atmosphere and continue out to the universe. As a result, the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans is getting dangerously warmer. Another example that supports this main idea is this quote "Our own Glacier National Park will soon need to be named 'the park formerly known as glacier'." this quote really shows how global warming really is effecting the world and things inside it. Finally, the author gives all the reasons why we need to pay more attention to this global issue and what things everyday people can do to put an end to the warming of our climate. All of the pictures and explanations provided helped to support the main idea.
    These ideas are similar to what we learned in biology class because we learned about evolution and the temperature of the earth.

1.) glaciers are melting
2.) our new technologies, combined with our numbers, have made us collectively a force of nature
3.) the entire Aral sea is now essentially, gone.
4.) when we divert too much water without regard for nature, rivers sometimes no longer reach the sea.
5.) irrigation has long worked wonders for humankind. But we have the power to divert giant rivers according to our design instead of nature's.
6.) old habits+old technology= predictable consequences 
     old habits+new technology= dramatically altered consequences
7.) we are witnessing an unprecedented and massive collision between our civilization and the earth.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Japanesse Killing of Dolpins

In the article i found online I had found interesting information that i hadnt yet discovered about the Japanesse killing of dolphines.
#1: I think one of the most difficult things one can do is to understand someone else's world-view, especially when there are so few common denominators.  And so I'm wondering why the Taiji fishermen who live in a town that appears to have an almost whimsical view of marine mammals can kill them in ways that appear to be objectively cruel.  - Thats my 1st question why the Taiji fishermen who live in a town that appears to have almost whimsical view of marine mammals can kill them in ways that appear to be objectively cruel.

#2:I'll probably never understand their perspective, and vice versa.  As an observer, though, I think it's important to keep cultural differences in perspective.  I could argue that the fishermen are unconscionably cruel, but I won't.  If I did, they'd certainly reply that Westerners who raise hundreds of millions of intelligent animals like pigs in horrific factory farms then kill them in secret facilities are in no position to lecture them on humane treatment of animals and transparency. - My 2nd question is that the Japanesse might kill dolphins but we Americans also kill chicken, fish, and all sorts of things. What im saying is why are we ( Americans) upset about them killing solphins when we kill chicken, fish, cow and other animals for a source of food everyday?

There is, however, one significant difference that transcends cultural differences.  The dolphin meat the Taiji fishermen sell to their fellow citizens contains alarmingly high levels of mercury.  Knowingly poisoning their fellow citizen is unconscionable, especially in a country where the dangers of mercury poisoning are almost universally recognized. - This part  kinda answers my question to #2 but it also starts another question that i would like to explore more about. If dolphin meat contains high level of mercury in it why would the fishermen want to sell it to their fellow citizens knowing that it could posion them. This question also makes me want to explore what is it like to get mercury posioning.

4- some interesting thing i have already learned about this topic so far is that, Taiji is known for mercury posioning their town. I already knwo that the Japanesse have killed whale meat before and i would like to explore why they killed whales also. They also kept this a secert, they didnt let anyone watch the dolphin killings yet the government knew it was happening.

5- The japanesses argument was that it was their cluture to kill these dolphins and that the Americans can't really do anything about that cause we cant take their culture away from them.

6- Our next argument about these killings was that the mercury posioning inside it. Mercury posioning can ruin your life and it is very bad for you if you may get it.

7- Right now, every year ( i forget which date it is on) thosands or maybe millions of dolphins get killed each year. And i have noticed online that their are support groups to stop it.

8- In the article, I read this --  The public is told that whale and dolphin populations are healthy and that harvests are conducted “scientifically.”  It is nonsense, but unless you live outside of Japan where you can learn the truth, you are stuck with a false sense of reality.-- this kinda tells me something about whales that will help me on my project.

9- I think that the Japanesse also harvest whales for selling in stores or eating. I would like to find out if whale meat is also high in mercury as well as dolphin meat.

10- I know that the Japanesse people needed to know the truth about these killings and when eating a dolphin how it can really hurt you. In the article-- It is up to us to tell the Japanese people the truth.  Many of them are truly afraid of their government and certainly do not realize the squalor and the brutality of marine mammal hunts-- talks about people needing to know the truth and in the movie the Cove they do just that.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dutch and Thoroughbred Breeds

Horse and Pony Encyclopedia: By: Sandy Ransford
Chapter, Warmbloods, Hotbloods

  • Dutch Warmblood-Show Jumper
  • Thoroughbred-Stamina, Show Jumper
  • Holsteiner- Show Jumper
  • Hanoverian- Popular for Dressage
  • Certain horses are bred for certain things
  • Ethnicity of many horses
  • What to look for when you are buying a horse
     In this Book(book/article, etc.), Sandy Ransford (author) explains (claims/argues/explains), that Dutch Warm Bloods and Thouroughbreds are the main breeds known to be the best for jumpers. (identify author’s argument/purpose).
    One reason/fact/example that supports this main idea is the reason that they have the ability to obtain stamina in order to go around the course.  Another reason/fact/example that supports this main idea is that they way that these two horses are built helps they excel at show jumping and doing hunters.  Finally, the author gives the reason/fact/example that because of where they were originally bred it is what they have evolved to do well in to support the main idea.
    These ideas are connected (connected/similar) to my life because I do jumping as my type of riding and the main horses at my barn are Dutch Warmbloods and Thoroughbreds. (something you learned or experienced previously) _


The Encyclopedia of the Horse
Elmyn Hartley Edwards

  •  In the 19th century, the Swiss army relied heavily on imported horses.
  • The Einsiedler was the first bred horse of Switzerland. 
  • The most important blood lines were the ones established by the Anglo-Norman horses. 
  • Anglo-Norman horses led to the Einsiedler. 
  • The Einsiedler is a large, calm, well made horse. 
  • A horse very suitable for various types of performance riding. 
  • They are also often used for harness driving.  

    In this __Book____________________________ (book/article, etc.), _____Elmyn H. Edwards______________ (author)   ____explains__________(claims/argues/explains) that __that the Einsiedler horse is a Swiss horse, that can be tracked back nearly 1,000 years to the Benedictine monastery of Einsiedeln, the origin of where the horse got their name. ______________________
    ______________________________________________________________________________________ (identify author’s argument/purpose).
    One reason/fact/example that supports this main idea is ____The Einsiedler is also known as the Swiss Warmblood.  It gets that name because it is from Switzerland, in the Swiss country side. ___________________
    ___________________________. Another reason/fact/example that supports this main idea is ________________________________
    These horses are among the most important blood lines for the rest of the Swiss horses.  All other Swiss horses are decedents of the Einsiedler.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Finally, the author gives the reason/fact/example ______of how several warm-blood horses are bred of the same blood line from the Einsiedler. ___________________________________ to support the main idea.
    These ideas are connected (connected/similar) to ________________every other horse bloodline______________________________ (something you learned or experienced previously) because ________________________all horses in one region or area are all related, or descendants of each other. ____________________________________________________________________________ (explanation of connection).
AUTHOR: Michelle Lister.
TITLE: Understanding People In The Past, The Aztecs.

  • Believe Gods lived in layers in heaven, ones on top layer were most important.
  • Believed you live on after you die.
  • They worshiped many gods.
  • Two main things the kids learned at school, fighting and farming.
  • Girls did not go to school.
  • Aztecs buried dead bodies or cremation.
  • Hold funerals/ceremonies when somebody dies.
  • Beliefs much like Hinduism, how they do in this life effects the next.
  • Aztecs believed blood was needed to sacrifice in order for sun to shine.

 In this book Michelle Lister explains the Aztecs life, how they lived what they believed in. One fact that supports this main idea is that she said Aztecs believed blood was needed to sacrifice in order for the sun to shine. Finally, the author states all of the different gods they believed in. These ideas are similar to that of the Mayans cause they also believed in some sacrifices and different gods.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Find a Book

Title: The Year of the Koala
Author: H.D. Williamson

Important Notes:
  • Koalas are nocturnal
  • Koalas are found in the eastern coastal area, which is the most heavily populated
  • Koalas rest on thin branches
  • Her fur is either misty gray or dark brown in shadows
  • Koalas prefer to stay separated
  • They keep their babies in a pouch, when first born, much like a kangaroo
  • The population of Koalas has decreased over the years


In this book, Williamson explains that Koalas are a very important and interesting part of Australia. One example that supports this idea is that he explains how the Koala population has decreased due to hunting for their fur, and how it needs to be stopped. Another reason that supports the main idea is that the inhabit in a heavily populated area, an an area that is so prosperous in Australia. Finally the author gives the example of how their life may be boring filled with sleeping/eating, yet they are very diverse animals. These ideas are similar to slavery because the Koalas mind their own buisness, and they are used for profit.

Monday, March 19, 2012

How does Genetics affect life?
Heredity & Traits

  • The passing of traits from parents to child is the basis of heredity
  • Everybody has thousands & thousands of genes
  • Genes may specify your certain hair color
  • Humans have 2 sets of 24 chromosomes
  • Every child receives half of its chromosomes from its mother & half from it's father
  • Each parent contributes one complete set of chromosomes to the child
  • Traits are passed from different generation to generation, we inherit traits from our parents  & then they are transferred down to the children's children to continue the cycle.
  1. What is the true definition of a trait?
  2. What kinds of traits are there?
  3. Can several traits be passed down?
  4. Can a trait skip over a child?

Volcanoes- THE SEA

  •  Hawaii's largest volcano has been erupting frequently since 1983 adding an extra 200 acres of land to Hawaii.
  • The Galapagos islands were actually built off the deep sea volcanoes
  • They grew to be so tall, that they ended up crashing down to the sea.
  • Volcanic activity can cause an earthquake depending on the amount of magma being pumped into the ocean.
  • Volcanic activity will end up eating up and renewing the ocean floor
  • Volcanoes can create a deep sea desert, large vast amounts of ocean floor.
  • 80 % of volcanoes on earth are found underwater
  • Volcanoes proven to be one of the major theories of life evolution.

Realms of The Sea: Mary B. Dickinson
Publisher: National Geographic Company

Chapter 2: Deep Ocean, helped me on my research because it provided additional information about volcanic eruptions that help the environment under the water.  One thing I learned from reading this chapter in the book was that, some habitats are provided to special types of shrimp that thrive off the environment.  The chapter was mainly about types of species that live in the deep sea, and mentioned little about volcanoes.  I didn't find this book helpful to me because I felt that it lacked important information that I could have used.  

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dutch Warmblood
ProQuest Platinum
Horse and a dream stalled by epidemic Foot-and-mouth disease keeps Woodstock woman from importing a stallion to pursue Olympic hope

Dutch Warmblood
Dicipline: Dressage
Orgin: Holland

The Usual
Boarding: $500
Lessons: $200 per package
Shoes: $400 (all 4)
Grooming: $150

-Surgical Nurse Martha bought a Dutch Warmblood in Holland
- There was a Dutch Warmblood horseshow one day
-Martha has the horse on layaway
- She wants to train for the olympics
- The horses' name is Rafel
- The horse is under quarentine because it got sick with Hoof and Mouth Disease
- Because of Hoot and Mouth, nearly half-million livestock had to be killed to prevent the disease
- Hoof and mouth is deadly to humans, not livestock
- The horse is still under quarantine.
- Martha still hopes to go to the 2008 Olympics.
- She knows that Rafael can get her there. She just doesn't know when.

Log 4, Keeping a Horse

The cost of keeping a horse:

Per Month:
  • Boarding cost: which include... feeding, turnout, shoeing: $800
  • Training rides: $180
  • Medicine: $50
  • Lessons: $360
  • Body Clipping: $400

Google Images

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Mayans Buildings. Digital image. WPMU DEV -The WordPress Experts., 12 May 2010. Web. Mar.-Apr. 2012. <>.

  •  Mayans buildings were made on limestone, the first largest pyramid built by the Mayans was made between 400 B.C and 600 B.C.
  • Roof Combs made Mayan buildings seem taller.
  • Carvings on Mayan buildings were called Frezies.
  • Mayans used stone tools to carve the buildings instead of metal.
  • Mayan temples were used for religious reasons, same with Aztecs, they are still used religiously today.
  • Main reason for Aztecs making the pyramids was to honor their gods.
  • Three types of Aztec pyramids, twin stair, round layer and later pyramids.
  • Most pyramids of the Aztecs are found in Mexico today.

  1.  What type of religion did the Mayans and Aztecs follow?
  2. How are they practiced?

Friday, March 2, 2012

How To Stop Global Warming

       Global Issues in context<--database
         "FIXING CLIMATE CHANGE SHOULDN'T COST THE EARTH." Australian [National, Australia]           15 Mar. 2010: 14. Global Issues In Context. Web. 2 Mar. 2012.<--database

  • government doesn't want to invest too much money into the process of stopping global warming
  • the people say that the price may be high but it is not infinite
  •  There are many potential solutions to serious problems that we do not implement, or that we implement only partially, because the costs associated with them are greater than the benefits.
  • biofuel requirements were supposed to help reduce carbon emissions? In fact, the artificially inflated demand for ethanol and for the corn to manufacture it wound up driving up food prices (which pushed about 30 million poor people into the ranks of the malnourished). It ate up more arable land, which led to the destruction of rain forests and created a situation that will result in more CO2 emissions over the next 100 years.
  •  If we panic and make the wrong choices in response to global warming, we risk leaving the world's most vulnerable people even worse off
  • Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (cfl)
    CFLs use 60% less energy than a regular bulb. This simple switch will save about 300 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.
  • Move your thermostat down 2° in winter and up 2° in summer
    Almost half of the energy we use in our homes goes to heating and cooling. You could save about 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year with this simple adjustment.
  • Move your fridge and freezer
    Placing them next to the cooker or boiler consumes much more energy than if they were standing on their own. For example, if you put them in a hot cellar room where the room temperature is 30-35ºC, energy use is almost double and causes an extra 160kg of CO2 emissions for fridges per year and 320kg for freezers.
  • Take a shower instead of a bath
    A shower takes up to four times less energy than a bath. To maximize the energy saving, avoid power showers and use low-flow showerheads, which are cheap and provide the same comfort.
  • Reuse your shopping bagWhen shopping, it saves energy and waste to use a reusable bag instead of accepting a disposable one in each shop. Waste not only discharges CO2 and methane into the atmosphere, it can also pollute the air, groundwater and soil.

1.) How often are animals being extinct?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

4/5 Parker- Influenza facts the World Health Organization. Very credible. Last updated this year.

1. Influenza is a viral disease that effects the nose, throat, bronchi and occasionally the lungs.
2. Symptoms include a sudden onset of high fever, aching muscles, headache and severe malaise, a non-poductive cough, sore throat and rhintis.
3. The virus is very easily transmittable by droplets and small particles produced when infected people cough or sneeze.
4. For a normal person, the infection lasts for a week and is defeated. For older people and younger, it can cause complications of pneumonia and even death.
5. Avian influenza, commonly called bird fl, is an ifections disease of birds. Most bird flu viruses do not effect humans in any way. But a certian type named H5N1 has caused serious infections in people.
6. What scares people most about the bird flu is how it effects poultry populations. This causes potential for the virus to cause disease in people after eating the birds.
7. H5N1 made a widespread emergence in 2003 and 2004, the avian virus has spread from Asia to Europe and Africa and has become entrenched in poultry in some countries, resulting in millions of poutlry infections.
8. The poultry infections could pose a threat by reducing food count for underdeveloped countries.


"Horses to be 'mane' stars of the show"

Gale World History in Context

COST: $1,000-5,000
DISCIPLINES: Mainly used for parades, pulling carts, ect.  (draft horse)
ORIGIN:  ClydesdaleScotland

-The nicest Clydesdale horses will be shown in Lanarkshire, England.
- More than 60 of the nicest Clydesdales will be there to show. 
- Clydesdales are used for pulling carts
-Obstacle courses are events that the horses do. 
- "Clydesdales are the gentle giants of the horse world"
-Free pony rides!
The Heavy Horse Show is at the National Museum of Rural Life

1. Why do bigger horses cost less?
2. What makes them cost lest?
3. Why are Clydesdales only used for pulling carts?

Kangaroos in Australia


a) March 1, 2012
b) Encyclopedia Britannica
c) yes, it is in the special picked websites

  • Kangaroos travel in packs
  • They are generally active at night and during periods of low light
  • Males fight for females by biting, kicking, and scratching
  • The three must abundant kangaroos are the eastern and western gray, and the red kangaroos
  • Kangaroos are killed for their fur, and meat
  • refuge=shelter or protection
  • bipedal=two-footed
  • prominent=stands out

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Blog post 3- Parker Klebenow- Flu epidemic 1918

-The worst epidemic known to the modern world was the flu epidemic of 1918
-The epidemic killed nearly 12,500,000 people in India. In the U.S.A. 550,000 people died.
-Influenza is a virus that goes to person to person using the air which they breath
-The reason so many people died is because we didn't realize it was a sub type virus that attacked. A sub type named H1N1.
-The pandemic was thought to occur when returning troops from WWI came back to separate camps. They brought the virus with them.
-In August 1918, a new virus emerged and attacked, it was called Pneumonia.
-Pneumonia developed quickly and usually caused death 2 days after symptoms.
-Six days after the first case in Camp Devens, Massachusetts, there were 6,674 cases.
-How did Pneumonia develop from the original virus, and why was it so deadly?
-How did the virus epidemic end? Did it kill itself off? Or was a vaccine developed?
-Why were more people killed in countries other than that of the U.S.A. or Britain or other developed countries?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Global Warming Leading To Animal Extinction

  • Tropical species are affected more by the narrow temperature range of their typically warm climate
  • Tropical rain forests contain most species of animals and plants needed to sustain the world's population, but global warming has already upset the natural biodiversity of the ecosystem
  • As populations grow around the world, so does consumption. In the densest areas of the world, the elimination of animals that feed on disease vectors, such as mosquitoes and flies, adds to our growing human health problem.
  • Global warming is predicted to threaten a large number of our plants and animals with extinction
  • One example of an animal shifting its habitat because of climate change is the Edith's checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha wrighti). Found in California's Sierra Nevada mountain range, the butterfly during the past 25 years has moved from lower to higher elevations, and from southern locations to northern ones.
  • There are about 925 of the bears in the province, but the population is estimated to have declined by 22 per cent from 1989 to 2004.
  • The main problem facing the bears is that the sea ice on which they hunt seals is melting, cutting the amount of available food. The spring breakup has been occurring earlier in recent years, resulting in a longer ice-free period on Hudson Bay, and increasing the amount of time during which they must depend on body fat gained through winter foraging.

1.) What are the top species that arte being effected by global warming the most?
2.) What places are the animals migrating to to avoid extinction
3.) What factors in  the way us people live lead to global warming getting this bad?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Log 3, cost of selling


  • 1st buy a young horse 
  • $25,000- horse is not trained, riden, or showed
  • 2nd you must get the horse approved and registered
  •  $100,000- make sure he is healthy and able to become a good worker
  • 3rd you have to decide on a cost to sell him based on his performance records, pedigree, and breed
  • show record: under the horses name, in order to track the show results on the horse and rider

  • What breeds cost the most?
  • What are the deciding facts for which horses are good showers?

Pyroclastic Flows

  • The temperature of the volcanic gases can reach about 600 to 700 °C. 
  • The velocity of a flow often exceeds 60 miles per hour and may attain speeds as great as 100 miles per hour.
  • Reaching such temperatures and velocities, pyroclastic flows can be extremely dangerous.
  • Pyroclastic flows have their origin in explosive volcanic eruptions, when a violent expansion of gas shreds escaping magma into small particles, creating what are known as pyroclastic fragments.  
  • Pyroclastic materials are classified according to their size, dust , ash, cinders, blocks , and bombs. 
  • Both the incandescent pyroclastic particles and the rolling clouds of dust that rise above them actively liberate more gas. 
  • The expansion of these gases accounts for the nearly frictionless character of the flow as well as its great mobility and destructive power.
  • What other factors make a volcano so dangerous?

  • ProQuest Platinum (Database)

  • The transition from sedimentation to flood volcanism in the Kangerlussuaq Basin, East Greenland: Basaltic pyroclastic volcanism during initial Palaeogene continental break-up (Title)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

  • Mayans live in Central America
  • Aztecs believe in gods
  • Aztecs believed in a lot of human sacrifices
  • Mayans were very well in to astronomy
  • Mayans believe in offering blood
  • Mayans and Aztecs have many differences
1. What kind of things did the Aztecs and Mayans do to entertain themselves?
2. What type of religion do they follow?

  • Mayans live in Central America
  • Aztecs believe in gods
  • Aztecs believed in a lot of human sacrifices
  • Mayans were very well in to astronomy
  • Mayans believe in offering blood
  • Mayans and Aztecs have many differences
1. What kind of things did the Aztecs and Mayans do to entertain themselves?
2. What type of religion do they follow?

Belgium Warmblood

ProQuest Platinum
Wylde about Europe

The Belgium Warmblood is a classic European horse. It is a horse bred for show jumping. Rather large in size, which makes it have a smooth gate.  

COST:$20,000-75,000+ (from Europe)
DICIPLINES: Dressage, Jumping

What I learned:
-Peter spent many years working with different trainers in order to gain his fame.
-According to champion show jumper Peter Wylde, "your only as good as your horse." 
-Wylde was unaware of how competitive show jumping was in Europe.  He thought that it was more competivite in the US, which isnt true
- Got to the final four of the World Equestrian games.
-Peter had always had money troubles.  
- An offer came up to go to New York for a financial job, instead of going to world. 
- DeNiro was his first horse. 
-In 2002 Peter had his own line of training horses, he trained 15. 
-Peter is now in Europe and has no immediate plans to return to the US.  He wants to continue his training in Europe to become an even better rider.  Plus, Belgium Warmbloods are native to Europe and are the best European riding animal.  

1. Why are Belgium Warmbloods so expensive?
2. What makes horses expensive?
3. How many different breeds of horses are there?
View Image -
Peter Wylde and his warm bloods. 
View Image - Seen here competing in Munich, Germany, the Belgian Warmblood stallion Harry Potter (previously ridden by US Olympian Leslie Howard) is one of the newest stars in Peter's stable. Opposite: At home in Belgium, Peter bridles Shady Lane. "The barn where I am is almost my dream facility: a horseman's stable, but also very attractive."
Peter and Can Can

What are Genetics?

I learned form this article that..
  • Heredity remained a secert until the 19th century, when the studies of Genetics developed
  • Heredity-The passing on of physical or mental characteristics genetically from one generation to another.
  • I found it interesting that the study of peoples genes did not make anyone curious and how the research on it started so late.
  • Genetics determine who you are
  • Your DNA makes you who you are
  • Genes are made up Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
  • Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid-
  • 1.a self-replicating material present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes.
  • 2. The fundamental and distinctive characteristics of someone or somthing, esp. when regarded as unchangeable.
This article made me think 
  • Is it possible to change your DNA?
  • Is there such thing as a DNA transfusion?
  • Is it possible to be born with half of a chromosome?

1. Mayans toke place from A.D (300 - 600).
2. Mayans were a great influence upon many people.
3. The Mayans were a hierarchy - They had rankings.
4. Mayans enjoyed playing sports.
5. Mayans were very involved in arts and culture.
6. Aztecs lasted from A.D (1200-1250).
7. They had strong religious beliefs.
8. Aztecs were also very involved in culture and sculptures.

Why did the Aztecs last from such a short time period?
What were some of the different sculptures the Aztecs and the Mayans made?
What were some of the sports that they played?

Prices for Horses

  • import horse from out of the country must remain in quarantine in the U.S.
  • price ranges: low 5 figures- under $40K
  • mid 5 figures- $40K -$60K
  • high 5 figures- $60 -$75K
  • mid 6 figures- $75-$100K
  • high 6 figures-$100K and over
  • Different areas of different places specialize in breeding different breeds
  • shoeing: Farriers job of putting new shoes on the horse
  • How long do the horses have to stay in quarentine?
  • What is the most popular breed to buy in Europe?
  • What is the most popular breed to buy in America?
  • What breed is the most expensive, breed and dicipline based?